From the land of gods, here comes a king.

Basic Information
Name: Francesco Montagna
Title: King of Scholomance; Son of Mars
Age: 24
Height: 6'2
Hair: Red
Eye colour: Red
Occupation: Monarch
Birthday: March 24, 1995
Species: Demigod
Nationality: Italian
Birthplace: Bologna, Italy
Base of Operations: Scholomance
Relationship Status: Married to @OfHjorprimul
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Pinned art by doro
Now you see it, now you don't. These were the words that marked the young Francesco's life - growing up poor in the Italian streets with nothing but the ragged clothes on his back. And a deck of cards that never left his side. With his deft fingers and his sharp eyes he won the bread of the day; amazing people in the street, beating them at tarocchi. So what if their pockets ended up a little lighter after his tricks? A boy had to eat.
But the boy grew up into a man. And for what he lacked in food, he made up for it in dreams. Dreams of the world past those cobblestoned streets. Adventures, peril and excitement...
Francesco had no knowledge of his past, but he only looked towards the future as he walked out of the city with what little wordly possessions he had. Using his connections across the city, he forged several passports and took to explore the continent.
If Francesco ran into danger, it was because he was looking for it. One step ahead of the authorities, he amazed people in the street to eat during the day and explored the mysteries of the world at night. And still, his heart yearned for more...
News of a one-of-a-kind item took back him to his home country, this time to Milan. It was locked up in a museum's vault, not scheduled for any public appearances, by the looks of it. A group of thieves planned to take it and sell it - after all, it must be worth something if they went through all this trouble, right? With his reputation proceeding him, Francesco joined the party.
But at the last minute, he betrayed them and took the relic for himself, escaping into the Italian night. It was the Visconti-Sforza deck: the oldest set of tarot cards in existence, though they felt and looked brand new under his careful fingers. As he held in the palm of his hand, he felt a strange pull wash over him. With a beating heart, he drew the first card off the top...
And a whole new world opened up to him.
The room around him rumbled as a golden lion materialized out of thin air. It looked at him - not as a predator would look upon prey but as a beast acknowledging its master. A world-shaking roar emanated out of him before disappearing into thin air. Francesco looked at the card he had drawn - VIII, The Strength.
Francesco traveled again with a renewed passion - not to trick people and take their money, but to truly amaze them and show them the wonders of the world. His journeys, far and wide, took him to the magical city of Scholomance, hidden deep in the Persian sands. A world for the outcast, for the rejected - perhaps here he could learn and teach others the secrets of this Earth...

THE TAROT - Aspects of the Magician's life, once cards, now spells written in his heart. They are as follows:
Upright: New beginnings, a path to the future. The trickster god Loki bolsters the fortune of his chosen.
Reversed: The doors have closed, with no way out. The two-faced god Loki grimaces upon the chosen, leading to misfortune.
Upright: Boundless possibilities at your fingertips. The Staff of Moses is at your command.
Reversed: Nothing but empty promises and falsehoods. The promises of the Djinn only burn the one led astray.
Upright: Making the impossible become possible. From Dún Scáith comes the devil spear, Gáe Bulg.
Reversed: A fogged mind, your instincts betray you. The Shadow of Ireland, Scathach, attacks the unworthy for battle.
Upright: Fertility; the birth of a new idea. Titania's Blessing cures all wounds.
Reversed: Poor health, borne out of neglect. The Wrath of Hera strikes upon the unlucky, ravaging them.
Upright: All-powerful authority, commanding over all. Wield the power of Gungnir.
Reversed: The authority has failed; only chaos rules now. Beware the Sword of Damocles.
Upright: You see beyond this mortal plane into the world of spirits. With the Seal of Solomon, they shall heed your call.
Reversed: The way has been lost to you and you cannot tell up from down. The whispers of the Serpent poison your mind.
Upright: There is a balance in your life that makes you whole. Wield the married power of the two swords, Gan Jiang and Mo Ye.
Reversed: A separation; a disconnect that cannot be reconciled. Izanami-no-Mikoto wanders the land, devouring the living.
Upright: Victory through assertiveness. May the light of Horus make you impervious.
Reversed: Fear overtakes you and clouds your mind. The Wings of Icarus give you flight, but the sun beats heavy on your back...
Upright: Confidence before despair. The Nemean Lion fights by your side.
Reversed: The beast remains wild and untamed. The Madness of Heracles bolsters you, but you cannot tell ally from enemy.
Upright: A look into your own soul lights the way. With the eyes of Ganesha, the spiritual is revealed to you.
Reversed: The shadows grow darker and swallow the truths. The madness of Abdul Alhazred strikes at the mind, bringing visions of the beyond.
Upright: You move in lockstep with destiny. The Boots of Hermes make your journey ever swifter.
Reversed: One step forward, two steps back. Gleipnir binds you in place.
Upright: Fairness amongst all. The Scales of Themis return damage inflicted amongst the combatants.
Reversed: Injustice rules the world. Under the mad eyes of Caligula, any wounds strike twofold.
Upright: Self-sacrifice in the name of others. The Spear of Longinus comes to your aide, though its raw strength hurts the wielder.
Reversed: Afraid of pain, afraid of progress. The battlefield is ravaged with fire, as Nero plays the fiddle.
Upright: An ending for a new beginning. The Philosopher's Stone will grant its wielder what they desire.
Reversed: Stagnation. The curse of Ah-Puch raises undead from the ground.
Upright: Light and darkness, perfectly in balance. The Archangel Michael descends from the heavens.
Reversed: Disharmony in the forces, borne out of recklessness. The Fallen Lucifer claws out of the underworld.
Upright: Bondage, slavery and addictions. Dionysius descends upon the field, fueling the warriors with blood rage against one another.
Reversed: Danger escaped by a hair, temptations resisted. The goddess Pax descends upon the field, instilling the warriors with a sense of peace.
Upright: A painful, sudden awakening. The sword of the traitor who was once a friend; Arondight.
Reversed: An awakening stopped. The Chains of Prometheus strike at the warriors.
Upright: A renewal of faith. The light of Freya shines upon the battlefield, bolstering the warriors.
Reversed: The wind blows against you. The Morrigan flies across the sky, sending her portent torment to those below...
Upright: Intuition pushing through the unknown. Tsukuyomi descends upon the Earth and takes the form of a bow.
Reversed: Illusions held barely at bay, keeping you in place. The trickeries of Hecate bring ghosts and spirits upon the field.
Upright: No challenge is too daunting. The goddess Amaterasu descends upon the Earth and takes the form of a naginata.
Reversed: An eclipse to the goods of life. Huitzilopochtli shines upon the field, burning the unrighteous with his might.
Upright: A realization of truth that leads to new life. The hearts of the warriors are weighted by Osiris, and evil begets retribution.
Reversed: Blocking yourself off to the truth. The curse of Osiris falls upon the unworthy, releasing the mighty Ammit.
Upright: The end of the journey, a fulfilled man. The Valkyries strike upon the enemy from Valhalla.
Reversed: The journey has no end. Jormungandr circles the field, looking for its next victim.
The end of the journey. The apotheosis of the self. Excalibur, Hammer of the Saxons, Sword of Kings, The Blade of England. Edge unmatched, powerful enough to level mountains.
King of Swords - The Sword of Charlemagne, Joyeuse.
Knight of Swords - The Pistols of Sir Francis Drake.
Ace of Pentacles - The Sign of the Golden Dawn, the Earth Pentacle.
Nine of Cups - The Chalice of Persian Kings, the Cup of Jamshid.
King of Wands - The Sceptre of Ozymandias.
Eight of Wands - The Spear of Karna, Vasavi Shakti.

Founded in 1694 by the Coven of Valais by headmistress Victoire Beaufort in response to the Salem witch trials, Scholomance is a city built upon layers and layers of magic and mysticism. Named after the fabled Transylvanian city, it is located deep in the Persian desert, where the Atlantis of the Sands is rumored to be. The city has all the means to provide for its inhabitants: food markets, safe housing and an Academy. The city's doors are open to all magical beings, in particular, those persecuted by others. Dragons, witches, mages, golems, goblins and the undead: all are safe behind the city's walls, cloaked from outsider's eyes.
The Academy trains those adept in magic to hone their skills, but also sends agents around the world to keep abreast of the latest news in the arcane and collect forgotten treasures.
In the last year, however, there has been a change in management. The downfall of the council led rise to a monarchy, with Francesco and Prima being the first of their king. Unburdened, the pair swear to lead the city to a new golden age.
Prima Siegra - The love of Francesco's life, the two met on a chance encounter whilst Francesco was operating in Europe. Since then, Prima has been stalwartly at his side, swearing to protect him from danger. The two are incredibly close, and are sworn to marry one another in the summer.
Harley Lowe - Francesco's half sister, a fact recently learned by the two of them. Though rivals in the beginning, they are now inseparable.
Penelope Lockcroft - Francesco's mother, gone from his life for years. The two have been reunited and their relationship repaired.
Angelo Muñoz - Scholomance's resident DJ. The two are best friends after years of adventuring, and with a mutual hatred of Baba Yaga.
Alexandra Cromwell - Fellow Scholomance agent, now royal guard.
Santiago Villalobos - Mentor figure to Francesco in his earlier years, the two remain on uneasy terms. Currently dating Harley Lowe.